Wednesday, 18 February 2015

How to install OSClass on windows hosting by Godaddy?

1. download OSClass here:
2. unzip the downloaded file into a new folder
3. transfer the unziped files from your local computer to your hosting server under httpdocs folder. I prefer use free FTP client tool WinSCP
4. create a database on your hosting server, note it's name and connection information
5. run yourwebsite/oc-includes/osclass/install.php, if you run on Chrome version 40, you might encounter the problem like this: the web page is not available, see the
video:, the solution is to use IE.
6. on IE, you might encounter problem: you can not proceed to step 3-Categories the last step of installation, the solution is to give read/write permission recursively to hosting folder httpdocs.
7. Good luck!
8. My site:, I can offer help to install your OSClass website:, if you need to verify my address,
I'll provide my address to you via email, and you can mail me a letter/picture, and I'll take a photo of what I received and email to you.
