Tuesday 22 December 2009

Effective thank-you letter really helps

A simple thank-you letter after a job interview can influence the interviewer's decision making effectively.
The reality is the majority of job applicants fail to send thank-you letters after their interview. So few job applicants send thank-you letters that you automatically stand out if you do.

The letter will let you reemphasize your interest in the position and the company, and more strongly emphasize a certain skill or experience.

Finally, your thank-you letter will reinforce the interviewer's memory of you and your meeting. The letter could be the trigger that will prompt the interviewer to take immediate action and decide in your favour.

what to say in a thank-you letter:

1. Thank your interviewer for taking the time to interview you.

2. Thank the interviewer for any specific things they did on your behalf.

3. Touch again upon the key points you made in your interview.

4. Expand upon or clarify responses you felt were weak.

5. Thank your interviewer.

Be very seriouswith this letter demonstrating your written communication skills. As with any written self-marketing document, it needs to be flawless. So make sure to review, proof and assess the document carefully before sending it out.

It's really worth the writing which makes the difference between the job going to you or someone else.

1 comment:

  1. 2 of the most powerful words that I know are thank you...nice write up.

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